Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Yea, Yea, I Know...

Ok, I surrender! I know I've been a terrible blogger. I've already slapped myself on the wrist. All I can say is "I'm sorry" (there is a small tear running down my cheek at this moment...)I have no good excuse, just laziness I guess.

So, let's see...

What have we been doing since my last post? Well, since that was way before the holidays, I guess I should start there.

We had busy but fun holidays as usual. Mine was especially crazy because I was working for a friend of mine for a few weeks before Christmas. My friend, Sheila, who owns her own hair salon, had to go in for surgery to have a kidney removed (yeah, ouch!) So she asked me if I would do some of her clients for her while she recovered. Luckily, I was able to work around my schedule and do several of her clients for her. It was fun to get back into a salon, but I realized that I don't think I could go back to it full time ever again. But I did earn some great money which I'm using to go visit both of my sisters over Spring Break! Yea, I can't wait!

The kids were excited as usual for Christmas to come. They were bouncing off the walls for weeks. Plus I tortured them by not putting any of their presents under the tree until they went to bed on Christmas Eve. I'm such a mean mom! We did have a nice surprise on Christmas Eve morning...SNOW! We woke up to about 2-3 inches of snow on the ground. It was so cool. Our first white Christmas!

Here's a few pictures from Christmas...

Since the holidays, we've remained as busy as ever.

Raegan played soccer for her school's team and is also still playing basketball in a city league. Riley is still taking piano lessons and playing his clarinet in the school band. Both kids have gone skiing a few times with Casey (I get to stay home and have a day to myself!).

I know that school will be out before I know it. It seems every year passes quicker than the last.

Ok, that's pretty much it for now. Let's see if I can get back here a little sooner next time.

I'll leave you with a couple of my newest layouts that I've done...

1 comment:

Caroline said...

Hi Lori -- Glad to hear you are doing well and enjoyed a brief stint at the salon. Can't let all those cosmetology skills go to waste like me! ;-) Caroline