Sunday, May 25, 2008

He Did It!

Hooray! David Cook won American Idol! I'm so happy! I really didn't think he was going to after he got a bit trashed on the night before the final. But not only did he win, but he won by 12 million votes! The song playing is the one he sung after he won. It's called "The Time of My Life". I think it's supposed to be released as a single. I've also added a couple of other David Cook songs that I like.

And now for some Bokavich News:

School is winding down. There are only 2 more weeks left! Hooray! Raegan is going to a camp this week. It's for all the 5th graders. It's in Whiskeytown Park. They leave Tuesday morning and come home Friday afternoon. She seems very excited, but I'm kind of nervous that she will get homesick. She has a tendency to be a bit clingy to us, and even has a hard time sometimes just spending the night at a friend's house. We shall see...

Last Thursday, the kids had a talent show at their school. Both of the kids performed (and I had a small part in it too!) Raegan did a comedy routine. It was so cute. She pretended she was going to sing a song along with the guitar, and instead she told some jokes. Everyone laughed, and she did a great job!

Riley and I did a piano duet. We played two songs. It was the first time neither one of us made a mistake! He did so good! He loves to perform.

In other news...

Raegan made that Division 3 soccer team! Her coach said she did really well at the tryouts. I stayed out of the whole tryout process and didn't say anything to her or to her coach. I wanted her to make it on her own, not by me interfering. She was very excited when she found out that she made it. The coaches also officially asked me if I would be an assistant coach with them. I said "yes", and I am also very excited to be a part of this team. It seems like a good bunch of girls. I know most of the girls from having coached them at one point. It's going to be a lot of hard work for both Raegan and I, but we both are looking forward to getting started. It should be a lot of fun!

Here is a slide show of Raegan this past soccer season:

Well, I think that's about all for now! As usual, I will try to post more often, but I have started a list for myself of projects I would like to complete this summer. Hopefully I can finish everything on my list...

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Yep, it's actually here...

Today is the day. The big one. The "F" Word.
My 40th Birthday! Yikes!

I still can't believe that I'm 40 years old. It's hard to even say the number.
However, my friend, Wendy, said, "But 4 and 0 are such small numbers! I mean 0...that's nothing!" Thanks Wendy!

Riley asked me the other day what I hoped to get for my birthday, and my answer was "Younger!". Ok, I don't feel 40, and I hope to most people that I don't look 40, but I just remember as a kid thinking 40 was SO OLD! And now that I'm here, I'm thinking, 40 is nothing! I still feel 25! (except a couple weeks ago when I had a soccer tournament and had to play 3 games in a row!) Ok, but I guess the fact that I was even able to play 3 games in a row without passing out or dying says something, right? And Riley didn't even notice that I had any gray hair yesterday when he said that Casey would go gray before me. I told him I already had a bunch of gray hair and that's why I color it, and he says, "No you don't, Mom." Don't you just love kids? And by the way, Casey does NOT have any gray hair!! Bastard!!

In honor of my big day, I created this layout about me turning 40:

I also though I would re-post the video I had on my other blog, "The Story of Lori".

Ok, time to face the day...and embrace it!
Afterall, look at my life...what else could I possibly need?

Happy Birthday to ME!!