Saturday, February 28, 2009

"Mom, you're my BFF..."

That's what Raegan told me the other day. My heart just melted on the spot.

Coincidentally, the next day I was getting ready for work and had my MP3 player going in the bathroom when the song "Best Day" by Taylor Swift came on. (it's the song currently playing on my blog right now). Now I've had this song on my MP3 player for a couple of months, but I never really listened to the words until then. I realized that she wrote the song about her mother. As I really listened to the words, I started to cry. (Now you have to really listen to the words). Not good when you're trying to put on mascara.

This song makes me think of my relationship I have with my daughter. Raegan has always been more of a "Mommy's Girl". She follows me around like a little puppy most of the time. I know a lot of her peers are starting to push their mothers away and focus more on their friends. I'm so glad she hasn't gotten there yet. I'm not ready for it. We love to have our "girl days" and just hang out, just the two of us.

I found a few photos of Raegan and I and made a little slide show to go with the song. Enjoy! I'm going to go give my daughter a big hug...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Yea, Yea, I Know...

Ok, I surrender! I know I've been a terrible blogger. I've already slapped myself on the wrist. All I can say is "I'm sorry" (there is a small tear running down my cheek at this moment...)I have no good excuse, just laziness I guess.

So, let's see...

What have we been doing since my last post? Well, since that was way before the holidays, I guess I should start there.

We had busy but fun holidays as usual. Mine was especially crazy because I was working for a friend of mine for a few weeks before Christmas. My friend, Sheila, who owns her own hair salon, had to go in for surgery to have a kidney removed (yeah, ouch!) So she asked me if I would do some of her clients for her while she recovered. Luckily, I was able to work around my schedule and do several of her clients for her. It was fun to get back into a salon, but I realized that I don't think I could go back to it full time ever again. But I did earn some great money which I'm using to go visit both of my sisters over Spring Break! Yea, I can't wait!

The kids were excited as usual for Christmas to come. They were bouncing off the walls for weeks. Plus I tortured them by not putting any of their presents under the tree until they went to bed on Christmas Eve. I'm such a mean mom! We did have a nice surprise on Christmas Eve morning...SNOW! We woke up to about 2-3 inches of snow on the ground. It was so cool. Our first white Christmas!

Here's a few pictures from Christmas...

Since the holidays, we've remained as busy as ever.

Raegan played soccer for her school's team and is also still playing basketball in a city league. Riley is still taking piano lessons and playing his clarinet in the school band. Both kids have gone skiing a few times with Casey (I get to stay home and have a day to myself!).

I know that school will be out before I know it. It seems every year passes quicker than the last.

Ok, that's pretty much it for now. Let's see if I can get back here a little sooner next time.

I'll leave you with a couple of my newest layouts that I've done...