Saturday, January 19, 2008

Up Early on a Saturday Morning

I really wish I could sleep in sometimes. It never fails. I'm tired all week and can't wait until I can sleep in on a Saturday morning, and when it's finally here, I'm up at 5:30am! It sucks!

Well, I'm just about over my bad cold I had this past week and a half. So glad about that. So far, nobody else in the family has gotten it.

Raegan has been playing basketball in a city league. She's on a team with 5th and 6th grade girls. I can't believe how tall some of these girls are! They are as tall as me and they're only like 11 years old! Raegan is actually one of the shortest ones on the team. That being the case, she is playing point guard because she's too short to rebound under the basket. She's been doing really well.

She played a couple of years ago at the YMCA, but it was coed, and there was only one other girl on her team, and the boys were all really good, so I don't think she learned all that much. She also just recently played on the school team, but because the team is technically a sixth grade team (they just let some fifth graders play because they needed more players), she didn't get to play much at all. So far, this experience on the team she's playing on now has been great. She has really good coaches and she gets to play at least half the game. She has improved so much in just a month. They had their second game last night, and although it was a close one (final score: 7 - 11), they won! Yes, the score was only 7 to 11. Not high scoring games like in the NBA. It's fun to watch though, and I hope she sticks with this sport as well as soccer.

When we got our new computer, we also got Photoshop CS3 with it. It's awesome, but so overwhelming. Casey and I have been playing with it somewhat, but still don't know too much yet. One thing I am learning how to do is do some of my digital scrapbooking with it. Alot of scrapbooking sites offer these templates. Basically all you have to do is plug in the paper and photos and any extra elements you want, and, voila, instant layout! Here are some I've done so far:

Well, it looks like it just about time to take Drake for his morning walk. His alarm went off in his head and he knows it's time (how does he do that?). Maybe I will be able to sleep in tomorrow morning! (Yea, right.)

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Feeling Extra Blah Today

Yuck, I'm sick today. I felt like I was getting a cold yesterday, so I started taking Zicam (awesome stuff!) every four hours, but by last night I was feeling pretty yucky, and I didn't sleep well at all last night. So, I decided to stay home today from work (I'm sure Harrison's mom will be thankful). I was feeling a little better, so I decided to play on the computer for a little bit.

Not too much to report today though. Yesterday was our first day back at school since our snow day on Tuesday. Things went fine.

So, every year I make calendars and give one to my parents, one to Casey's parents, and keep one for us. With the crashing of our old computer with all my scrapbooking stuff and pictures on it, I didn't get a chance to make one on time. For our dads' birthdays, instead, I made them each a desk calendar. The January sample is over on the right side of the page. Then I was looking at one of my favorite digital scrapbooking sites, The Shabby Shoppe, and noticed she had a cute calendar template for sale. I really wanted to still make a calendar, so I bought the template and made one for us. It turned out cute, and all I had to do was put in the photos, and place the month/day template over the background, and, voila! I put each page on a piece of black cardstock and then took it to Office Depot and had it bound. Love it!
Here's the January sample:

Well, I'm feeling like I need to go lay down again. Until next time...

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

It's Snowing!!!

It's been snowing at our house all day today. It started this morning around 7:30am. By the time I took the kids to school at 8:20, there was about 2 inches on the ground. After I dropped them off, I went to go workout at the YMCA, and when I got home, there were 3 messages on my machine saying that they had closed the school for the day! So, the kids get an extra day off. Well, I guess I do too.

I did use my free time wisely and finally finished taking down all the Christmas decorations. Our tree was so dry that I think half of it was left on my family room floor. But I vacuumed, and now it smells pine fresh in my house.

The snow has been alternating between rain and snow and slush, so not too much is really sticking anymore, but it's still fun.

Speaking of snow...
One of my favorite new sites to explore is Flickr .

These are some of my favorite snowman pictures that I found on Flickr:

I hope we get some more snow tonight, so we can build our own snowman!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

An Almost White Christmas...

Well, we almost had a white Christmas this year! Just two days after Christmas, we got our first snowfall of the season! It wasn't much, about two inches, but we were still thrilled. It did continue to snow for the next couple of days, but none of it really stuck. We were hoping to get more with this storm that just came through, but, so far, nothing.

Speaking of Christmas...

We had another fun one! Here's a layout I did of the highlights:

The kids are at such a fun age at Christmas time. On Christmas Eve, they were tracking Santa on NORAD. When Riley announced that Santa was in Texas, I told him he better hurry and get to sleep before he got to our house. We left cookies and egg nog for Santa before the kids went to bed.

At about 3:00am, Riley comes running into our bedroom to announce that Santa had brought him a train. It was hard to get mad at him because it was so darn cute. Ok, it would have been cuter around 7:00 or 8:00, but it was still cute.

Raegan was thrilled to receive a Nintendo DS from Santa, as well as 3 games to start her out. Her favorite, by far, is the Nintendogs game. She has already "adopted" three labradors that she is currently caring for. It's so cute!

Drake once again got overly excited about his present and quickly got to work destroying it. I was picking up slobbery stuffing and squeakers for about three days.

Casey got me this cool docking station for my MP3 player. The sound is great too! I love it:

We got Casey some biking pants, which he said are very comfy, and I also stuffed his stocking full of goodies.

We had a yummy dinner of ham, twice baked potatoes, homemade breads, salads, and lots of sweets and goodies.

The only bad part about the day was that Casey had to work once again! However, he was able to get off a few hours early, so it wasn't a total loss. We're so used to him working on Christmas, it would be weird to have him here all day (weird, but nice).

So, now that Christmas is over and the new year has arrived and I only have one more day before school is back in session, there's only one more thing to do...


Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Wow, where did 2007 go?

So, a new year brings new changes, so I thought I would change my blog a bit. I had to start a whole new one because Blogger updated their editing program, so it's much easier to edit my blog or add new stuff to it.

Don't forget to visit my old blog, though. I'll keep that one with all the archived posts on it. You can find it from here if you scroll down to the "Where It All Started" tag and click on "blah blah blog - the original".

I hope everyone has a great 2008!