Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Startin' to get a little nervous...

So the fires are slowly making their way closer to our area now. There have been some evacuations in other parts of Shasta, but on the other side of the highway. There is also another fire burning in the towns of Ono and Igo, and it seems to be making its way in our direction. I can hear helicopters flying nearby that are dropping buckets of water/retardent or whatever. I can see the smoke behind the hills just west of our house.

Casey is at work right now and is keeping me up to date as to what is going on as far as evacuations and such. Luckily the winds that we had yesterday have died down, but it still seems they are having a hard time getting these fires under control. I think they are still quite a distance away from us, but they are heading in our direction somewhat. So, yes, I am starting to get a little nervous. Luckily, we are all packed and ready to go if needed. All we have to do is throw everything in the cars and get out.

This is bringing back memories of the time we had to evacuate from our other house in Redding. It was a week after Riley was born. Luckily, that fire never got real close to our house, but it was still stressful and scary.

All these pictures are from . They have good updates there if you're interested.

So, that's where we stand right now. Hopefully, we won't have to evacuate and everything will be fine. But I think I'll keep praying, just in case...

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